11 Strange Plants You Definitely Didn't Know Existed In The World
7. Dracunculus vulgaris: The shape of this flower originating in Greece is somewhat reminiscent of calla lilies, but its flowers emit a bad smell to catch insects. It is a beautiful weird plant to observe, but from afar. It is a species from the Araceae family that spends the summer completely in sleep. Thanks to its onion-like cores under the ground, it is fully compatible with the Mediterranean climate, which does not rain for months in summer and is extremely hot. In addition, it is resistant to -28C degrees in winter. With the autumn chills and rainfall, the onion (corm) starts to become active gradually. While rooting and sprouting, it stretches a thin stolon like a few meters of rope on the soil surface or just below the surface. New mini-corms are formed on the stolons and they become leaves. So it is increasing, increasing the number in the environment. Dracunculus vulgaris corms begin to develop rapidly with large leaves in early spring, at the latest. A single large flower blooms on a stem of 30cm to 1m in length. The flower is quite large. The body is patterned with an attractive appearance. The leaves are similar to aralya leaves. It is large, has five pieces and has random white lines on it.