12 Photos Of Strange Animals You Probably Didn't Know Exist

The Maned Wolf: The maned wolf is the largest canid of South America. It looks more like a long-legged fox than a wolf. Genetic studies show that it is neither fox nor true wolf, but a distinct species. It is the only member of its genus, Chrysocyon. Maned wolf urine has a powerful aroma, reminding many humans of the way skunks smell. Having evolved to live in high grass savannas, maned wolves have a thick red coat, long black legs and tall, erect ears. The maned wolf is the largest canid of South America. It looks more like a long-legged fox than a wolf. Genetic studies show that it is neither fox nor true wolf, but a distinct species. It is the only member of its genus, Chrysocyon. Maned wolves live in monogamous pairs sharing a 10 square mile (26 square kilometer) territory.