12 Photos Of Strange Animals You Probably Didn't Know Exist

Patagonian Mara: Patagonian maras may walk, hop in a rabbit-like fashion, gallop or stot — a unique form of locomotion typically exhibited by ungulates, where the animal bounces on all fours. These maras travel in mated pairs, with the male aggressively protecting his mate from rivals and predators. Patagonian maras inhabit central and southern Argentina. They prefer arid grasslands and brush lands with a great deal of open space. The home range of a mara pair can fluctuate greatly depending upon food availability; these drifting ranges typically amount to 242 acres (98 hectares). Maras move in a variety of ways. They may walk, hop in a rabbit-like fashion, gallop or stot — a unique form of locomotion typically exhibited by ungulates, where the animal bounces on all fours. Patagonian maras can live for approximately 14 years in human care. Their lifespan in the wild is unknown.