12 Rare Wild Cat Species You Probably Didn't Know Exist

Pallas Cat (Otocolobus Manul): The Pallas' cat (Otocolobus manul) is a small wildcat known for its unusual, and adorable, look: a flattened and rounded face, stocky build, and super fluffiness make it appear stout and plush. But they're more than just pretty faces. Read on to find out what else makes the Pallas' cat truly awesome. They live throughout central Asia, from western Iran to western China. Within this range, Pallas' cats prefer the cold and arid environments of rocky steppes and grasslands at elevations up to about 15,000 feet. Pallas' cats make a variety of sounds. They yelp or growl when excited, making a sound similar to a small dog. Pallas' cats can also purr.