18 Different Types of Eagles Present In the World With Pictures

Mountain Hawk Eagle (Nisaetus nipalensis): Mountain hawk eagles have (relatively) small heads, large wings (4.27 to 5.41 ft), and a large wedge-shaped tail. They are dark brown on their back, head, and wings, pale underneath with brown belly bars and vertical, black throat streaks. They have feathered legs, a three-banded gray-brown tail, and a white-tipped crest. Mountain hawk eagles grow between 26.38 to 33.86 in. and weigh 3.97 to 7.72 lbs. Due to their body shape and proportions, mountain hawk eagles appear to be exceedingly large hawks. Aside from size, hawks lack the crest. They inhabit forested hills and other forests (coniferous, deciduous, and mixed) between 3281 and 11483 ft, in Southeast Asia, from the Himalayas to Japan. These eagles are opportunistic hunters, taking whatever prey is available (they often hunt from a perch). Prey includes birds, bats, reptiles, and small and medium mammals. They are listed as least concern.