18 Different Types of Eagles Present In the World With Pictures

Martial Eagle (Polemaetus bellicosus): The largest African eagle, the martial eagle, has a short dark crest and brown upper parts. They have black/brown-spotted, white underparts and feathered legs with blue-gray toes. They also have bars on their short tails and long, curved black bills. Their long wings (6.17 to 8.53 ft) point slightly at the tips and are dark with bars underneath. These eagles weigh up to 14 lbs and grow between 30.7 and 37.8 in. Widespread across sub-Saharan Africa, they are absent from most of Central Africa and other thick forests, as they prefer savanna, steppe, semi-desert, and scrubby woodlands from sea level to 9843 feet. Soaring at high altitudes, they make a controlled dive and strike the victim with their long legs and powerful claws.