18 Different Types of Eagles Present In the World With Pictures

Tawny Eagle (Aquila rapax): Tawny eagle coloration varies from dark to light brown. They have dark (black) tails, flight feathers, and light-bared wings, while some have a red-brown color. They have brown eyes and a yellow bill and grow between 25.59 to 28.35 in. long while weighing 4.3 to 5.51 lbs. These eagles frequently fly on thermals with their 5.64 to 6.07 ft wings. Their distribution includes Africa, Mongolia to India, and Romania to Southern Russia, where they occupy deserts, mountainous regions, open grassland and savannah, and steppes (including cultivated areas). Their diet includes carrion, insects, small birds, and small mammals. They scavenge from humans more than any other eagle. Tawny eagles are often in groups of up to 20 birds and are listed as least concern. (Foto by Andrew Wood )