18 Different Types of Eagles Present In the World With Pictures

African Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer): African fish eagles are distinct in appearance, with a white head and chest, large yellow bill, brown bodies/shoulders, and black wings (between 6 to 8 ft). These eagles grow between 25 and 30 in. and weigh 4 to 8 lbs. They can live up to 24 years. African fish eagles are common throughout West, East, and Southern Africa. They are mostly found around various water bodies (coastlines, rivers, lakes, wetlands, etc.). While their diet is primarily fish, they also eat flamingos (and other birds), reptiles, and carrion. Although they may steal food from other birds, these eagles soar above water bodies (or perch on trees close to food sources) and swoop down to catch fish on the wing. African fish eagles sound and look similar to bald eagles. Their call is one of the most recognizable among African birds (often called the voice of Africa). They are the national bird in South Sudan, Zambia, and Zimbabwe and are listed as least concern.