18 Different Types of Eagles Present In the World With Pictures
White-Tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla): These large sea eagles have massive yellow bills, broad, straight wings (6.56 to 7.87 ft), and short, white, wedge-shaped tails. White-tailed eagles have dark brown bodies and pale heads. These eagles weigh an astounding 7.71 to 15.43 lbs. and grow to 27.56 to 35.43 in. They are widespread, including Europe, China's coastlands, Southwestern Greenland, the Middle East, and Russia (including Siberia). White-tailed eagles occupy estuaries, lochs, and rocky coastlines where they eat primarily fish. However, they also consume carrion, other birds, rabbits, hares, and other small mammals. When fishing, they glide low over the water and over before swooping down and grabbing a fish. Although they are listed as least concern, they were locally extinct in England by 1918. Thankfully conservation efforts established a new population in Scotland by the 1950s.