18 Different Types of Eagles Present In the World With Pictures

Ornate Hawk-Eagle (Spizaetus ornatus): Ornate snake eagles are named after their flashy/decorative appearance. They have black crests, chestnut heads, sides of the neck, and breasts, and are white and barred underneath. Their chin, throat, and breasts are white. They grow between 23 and 26 in (they weigh 2 to 3.5 lbs.). Ornate hawk-eagles have average wingspans of 3 to 4 feet. They occur in tropical forests (and forest edges), lowland swamps, and open regions boarding forests at low to medium altitudes in Central and South America. While their diet primarily consists of larger birds (up to 10 pounds), they also eat reptiles and small mammals (squirrels, hares, etc.), which they often hunt prey from a perch. These strong eagles catch prey up to double their weight. These eagles are near threatened.