Mum Couldn't Understand Why Son's Grave Was Green – Freaks Out When She Sees Why

As Joseph's parents stood there bewildered, an old man walked up to them. It was Jake. He told them how'd he'd met their daughter-in-law months before, and had decided after that encounter to water their son's grave too. It was the least he could do, he said, after all Joseph sacrificed for his country. The Villasenors didn't know it, but Jake had also lost someone in the armed forces. One of Jakes's nine children, Misha, was married to a US veteran. After successful deployments, Benjamin was diagnosed with cancer. Even though he went through chemo, it was not enough and sadly he passed away in 2011. Misha has now remarried and has two beautiful children, but she and her whole family remember Ben fondly. Especially Jake, who empathized with the Villasenors in a very special way.