The 12 Scariest Roads In The World That Will Leave You In Awe

Trollstigen Mountain Road, Norway: One of Norway's most visited attractions, the Trollstigen National Tourist Route is a 3.7 mile-long stretch of road by the UNESCO-protected Geirangerfjord with a dizzying view of sheer mountainsides, waterfalls, deep fjords and valleys. The road, also known as Troll's road has a steep incline of 9 percent and consists of 11 hairpin bends, according to Although several bends were widened during 2005 to 2012, vehicles over 41 feet long are prohibited from driving the road. Visitors who want to take in some of the country's most dramatic scenery should stop at 2,300 ft plateau, where there is a car park and several viewing balconies overlooking the bends and the picturesque Stigfossen waterfall.