The Farmer Bursts Into Tears When He Finds Hundreds Of Strange Eggs Among His Crops

His daughters had beaten him to the eggs, and it was only four in the bloody morning! The commotion he heard was their excited chatter, filling the usually peaceful farm. His exasperated outburst echoed through the quiet house, jolting Bonnie out of her slumber. She looked at him, confused and alarmed, wondering what could have happened to rouse him from his sleep at such an ungodly hour. As she strained to hear the noise that had woken her up, Bonnie was suddenly jarred by the sound of laughter. She bolted out of bed and rushed down the stairs, brandishing the first thing she could find. Jack could see the concern etched on her face and immediately felt regret for keeping the eggs. I knew those eggs were something bad. This is not how we raise our daughters, Bonnie muttered, casting a steely gaze at Jack. She hoped that nothing untoward had happened to Gisele and Mary. She rushed outside and ran towards her girls. The girls' faces fell as they braced themselves for their mother's wrath. They knew they were in trouble for sneaking out to check on the eggs, but their love for the mysterious objects outweighed their fear of punishment. As Bonnie stormed towards them, her anger palpable, the darkness outside seemed to intensify, as if a storm was brewing on the horizon.