The Reason Why You Should Never Kill A House Centipedes

Even though centipedes are good guys, you shouldn't just open the doors and let a lot of them in. Instead, it simply means that the next time you find one or two around in your house, you should leave them as a token of appreciation. If small children or even adults find them disgusting and filthy, they can be confusing to find. However, rather than simply squishing them, either let them go on their own or take them outside to eat leaves. Avoid squashing spiders. By not squashing every insect you encounter inside, you run the risk of allowing hundreds of tiny spiders into your home. That is definitely not something you want to see. In addition, centipedes aren't all that bad in the end. They are just small, frail creatures who are unlikely to cause much more than a fright to you. Considering that they don't spread germs like other bugs do, it also convinces you that they are really nice guys.