The Striolated Manakin Is The Roundest And The Sweetest Bird That You Will Ever Meet (10 Photos)
In contrast, Kinglet Manakin is confined to the Atlantic Forest lowlands of eastern Brazil. This tiny-bodied manakin is uncommon to locally fairly common in the lower to middle levels of humid primary forests, as well as shade-coffee plantations and mature second growth, never higher than 1,500 m and mainly at elevations below 1,000 m. Whereas the female is uniform olive-green on the upperparts and mainly yellowish white below with reddish-brown streaks on the belly and flanks, the male is characterized by its glistening red coronal patch and whitish-streaked reddish-chestnut underparts with a yellow or red breast-band, the latter varying to some extent with race, of which five are recognized.