10 Christmas Traditions From Around the World You Probably Haven't Heard Of

Christmas is a time for tradition, family, and food, but this can mean something different in various parts of the world. For example, in South Africa, the main dish is fried caterpillars, whereas, in Greenland, they eat whale skin and fermented sea birds.

In Iceland, they offer new clothes to almost anybody. Iceland has not one Santa Claus, but 13 Santa Clauses, the so-called Yule Lads. They come 13 days before Christmas and leave gifts in children's shoes. Their troll parents, Gryla and Leppaludi, are 2 popular folklore figures of Iceland. They have a big black cat, known simply as the Christmas cat. Legend says that if you don't receive any new clothing items for Christmas, the animal will "eat" you. So you'd better think about gifting at least a scarf to someone in Iceland. Image credit: © pxhere.com, © Breibeest / flickr