10 Most Beautiful White Sunflower Varieties

Have you ever thought of planting sunflowers, which one of the most iconic flowers in the world? If you haven't thought about it, you should. There are many different types of sunflower you can grow, depending on your hardiness zone and how much room you have. In this article, I share most preferred varieties of sunflower you can grow this season.

Ring of Fire (Helianthus annuus): Ring of Fire is a five-inch sunflower having golden petal edges and a ring of red surrounding the chocolate brown center. Decidedly different from other sunflowers, Ring of Fire stands out in a crowd of plain gold or yellow flowers. Later to bloom, Ring of Fire may require 120 days to show bicolor blooms, but this late-season display is often what the garden needs for a fresh new look. Needing a full-sun garden, Ring of Fire plants may reach 4 to 5 feet tall, spreading 2 to 3 feet. The long flower stems are perfect for cut flowers. If not cut, flowers may produce seeds for wildlife, another benefit to growing Ring of Fire.