11 Strange Plants You Definitely Didn't Know Existed In The World

This list of strange plants will be your couple of minutes per day break from the world and yes, even work. In a world where every second is bombarded with emails, social media and the likes, this is a great relief.

5. Dracula Simia: Dracula Simia, also called Monkey Face Orchid, is part of the Orchidaceae family. This flower is also found mainly in Central-South America. Its flower recalls the face of a monkey, but its original name is Dracula Simia, as it prefers shady forests, often shrouded in fog, just like the famous Count Dracula. There are more than 110 varieties of this orchid found in the Equatorial region and Peru. The Monkey Face Orchid grows between 15-30 cm tall. Blossoms last from spring to autumn. Be sure to prepare a cool dark environment for these orchids to bloom. Like all orchids, it takes a lot of care and patience. The flowers are often spotted, multi-colored, and their overall appearance resembles a monkey's face.