12 Most Mysterious Places On Earth To Explore

Earth is home where a lot of unknown secrets and sphinx hidden behind some of the world's most unusual, strange, mysterious, or special places. Many interesting and creepy places on Earth have been waiting to explore. Let us take you on a virtual tour of 12 of the world’s most amazing mysterious places.

The Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean: It is also known Devil's Triangle, located in the South Atlantic between Florida, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda, is thought to be an epicenter of shipwrecks and plane crashes. The area has become the center of many unsolved riddles. Some say that magnetic anomalies are to blame for the compass not working, while others say that tropical storms are to blame. Still others say that there is no secret! The sun-kissed islands of Turks and Caicos are in the south, and Bermuda's caves are in the north. Today, visiting the area can be more fun than you might think. "Bermuda Triangle" has been used by Vincent Gaddis for the first time in a story that came out in 1964 in Argosy magazine. Stories about lost ships and seaplanes, crashed planes, and even people have been coming out of the Bermuda Triangle for hundreds of years. There are more than 1.5 million square miles in this area, which is also known as the Devil's Triangle. This is why many people don't notice it when it's there.