12 Most Mysterious Places On Earth To Explore

Earth is home where a lot of unknown secrets and sphinx hidden behind some of the world's most unusual, strange, mysterious, or special places. Many interesting and creepy places on Earth have been waiting to explore. Let us take you on a virtual tour of 12 of the world’s most amazing mysterious places.

Danakil, Ethiopia: It is the hardest places on the earth. Nevertheless, travelers love it. It is also known as ''Gateway to Hell''. It is locted on the border with Eritrea and is thought to be strange. It looks like you've reached another planet now that you're here. It is the hottest, driest, and lowest place on Earth. All year long, the average temperature here stays around 35 ° C. The name for this spot is "Danakil Depression." What's Up with Hot Land? People say that this spot has always had fire coming out of the ground. Besides this, the fire of rain falls from the sky as well. In places where staying alive is not only hard, but also impossible. People often start fires in the ground when there is trouble in the ground. This is why the hot lava is spread out over a large area here. People think that the "Danakil Depression" will become a deep pit and fill with water after millions of years.