12 Photos Of Strange Animals You Probably Didn't Know Exist
Most of us don’t have the idea of animal species that are on the Earth today, and we even get surprised as we find out there are some cool animals we haven’t heard of before.
The Babirusa: The babirusa has been called "a wild pig with a dental problem." They have remarkable tusks or canine teeth that can grow right up through the skin in their snout and curve back toward their forehead. The word babirusa means "pig deer" in the Malay language, as their wild-growing tusks are reminiscent of deer antlers. Babirusas have barrel-shaped bodies with deer-like legs and bristly skin. They are a dull gray or brownish in color and appear naked or hairless. They are about 2 feet tall and 3 feet long and can weigh over 200 pounds.