14 Unexpectedly Amazing Creatures We Share The World With

The Earth is a wild and amazing place, full with millions of fascinating species that most of us have never even heard of. Nature never ceases to astound us with all it has to give. Whether it's a stunning sunset, a flower-filled garden, or charming creatures, there's always something fresh that takes our breath away.

This is an arctic fox that loses its fur coat and changes its fur in the summer. British photographer Kevin Morgans found a bit of nature's magic. Spotting a lump in the distance, he was unsure at first whether it was a rock or an animal. Approaching slowly, Morgans soon realized it was a sleeping Arctic fox—the first he had ever seen. Crawling closer, Morgans waited with his camera until the animal began to stir. "First one eye opened, then the other," he recalls. When their eyes met (top right), Morgans felt that the animal "was looking into my soul." Soon it yawned widely (bottom), then stood to stretch.