15 Attractive Birds That Look Like They Are Painted By Another Worldly Artist

Our Earth is an extremely beautiful place where various kinds of animals live. Birds are one of the wonderful categories of animals. They fly in the sky and only very few people have the fortune to get to know them. Here is an amazing list of the most beautiful birds on Earth.

Red-billed Leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea): The red-billed leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea) is an Asian-native passerine which has been introduced across several regions of the world, including Europe. Although it is widely considered to be among the most harmful bird invaders, its occurrence in Europe is still understudied. Leiothrix use a wide variety of native and introduced plants for foraging and nesting, and they feed on fruit and on invertebrates gleaned from foliage and dead wood. They forage and nest mostly among lower branches of dense vegetation, and rarely use canopy trees. The species is more gregarious and nomadic outside of the breeding season, when flocks of up to 100 birds have been observed. It sings most persistently during the breeding season, but also throughout the year, particularly when going to roost. Both sexes give a harsh, repetitive Chatter Call in response to human and other animal intruders.