15 Attractive Birds That Look Like They Are Painted By Another Worldly Artist

Our Earth is an extremely beautiful place where various kinds of animals live. Birds are one of the wonderful categories of animals. They fly in the sky and only very few people have the fortune to get to know them. Here is an amazing list of the most beautiful birds on Earth.

The Tocororo: This species is endemic to Cuba and exists nowhere else. Its scientific name is Priotelus temnurus. Most Cubans call them tocororo (sometimes tocoloro) for their onomatopoeic song sounding something like this: toco-toco-tocoro-tocororo. The indigenous people of Cuba (known as the Taíno, a subgroup of the Arawak of the northeastern South America) named it guatiní. The tocororo is part of a larger family of thirty-nine globe-spanning tropical birds of the Trogonidae or trogon genus. The English name for the tocororo is Cuban trogon. It is considered to be among the most unique and exotic of trogons. The health and well-being of trogons across equatorial landmasses serves as biological barometer of tropical forest integrity. Tocororos inhabit the entire main island and its thousands of surrounding islets. Their favorite habitat is woodland forests, near fresh water, and dense with shrubbery and thickets to shade them from the tropical sun.