18 Different Types of Eagles Present In the World With Pictures
Eagles are large, predatory birds that belong to the family Accipitridae and are divided into several genera, which do not have a striking resemblance to each other. These birds are distinguished by their fully feathered head, broad beak, strong feet, and curved talons. Eagles have been found all around the world, except Antarctica. How many eagle species can you name? Perhaps the bald eagle comes to mind. In this article, you’ll learn about all 18 species of eagles found around the world.
African Crowned Eagle (Stephanoaetus coronatus): The African crowned eagle is a large, heavy-bodied eagle with shorter, broad wings. They have thick legs and long talons. They average between 31 and 39 in, weigh between 6 and 10 lbs., and have wingspans of 5 to 5.9 ft. Crowned eagles have dark brown heads and sport white-tipped crest feathers. They have black-barred cream or red-brown breasts and black wings that are red-brown underneath. These birds live up to 15 years and are widespread in (southeastern and central) sub-Saharan Africa. They perch on trees close to watering holes and ambush prey, including feral cats, rats, mongooses, monitor lizards, snakes, and small antelope (hunting prey up to 44 pounds (4 times their weight)). Their powerful talons are deft at snapping the victim's spine. Sometimes male/female pairs hunt monkeys together, with the male flying high and the female just above the canopy. You'll see these near-threatened birds in tall woodland forests, rainforests, savannas, grasslands, and mountains. Although the crowned eagle dives on prey at breakneck speed (100 mph), they only need 20 feet to "hit the brakes."