18 Different Types of Eagles Present In the World With Pictures

Eagles are large, predatory birds that belong to the family Accipitridae and are divided into several genera, which do not have a striking resemblance to each other. These birds are distinguished by their fully feathered head, broad beak, strong feet, and curved talons. Eagles have been found all around the world, except Antarctica. How many eagle species can you name? Perhaps the bald eagle comes to mind. In this article, you’ll learn about all 18 species of eagles found around the world.

Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus): The most famous eagle in North America and the national emblem of the US since 1782, the bald eagle, has a large, powerful body and large head with a long, hooked bill. They range in length from 27.9 to 37.8 in and weigh between 6.61 and 13.89 lbs. Bald eagles are easily recognizable in flight with their broad, straight wings, which average 6.69 ft (large birds have a wingspan of up to 8 feet). They have a white feather on their head and tail, yellow bill and legs, and dark brown bodies and wings. Bald eagles don't have "booted" legs. Bald eagles live between 20 and 30 years. Their distribution is from the Arctic desert (the second largest desert in the world) in Canada and Alaska to northern Mexico, where they soar gracefully above water bodies (lakes, marshes, rivers), coastlines, and forests (nesting). Their diet consists of various fish species (primary). They also take rabbits, snakes, turtles, waterfowl, other small animals, and carrion. Bald eagles often "poach" fish from other birds (like ospreys) and even people. Unsurprisingly, they are apex predators in their range. These eagles occasionally float and "paddle" with their wings. Their conservation status is "least concern."