20 More Weird Animals You Probably Didn't Know Exist

If You think that you’ve seen the world over, under, around and through, but there will still be wonders that will make your eyes pop. Approximately 1.5 million species have been formally described in the scientific literature, most of the insects. Currently, scientists have recently estimated that there are approximately 8.7 million species on Earth. We’ve rounded up some strange animals you probably didn’t know existed.

Dressy Hyena: Hyenas are the most common carnivores in Africa. They range all the way from North Africa to the very southern tip of the continent and live mainly in dry, scrubby savannas and deserts. There are four species of hyenas: brown, spotted, striped, and the smaller and lesser-known aardwolf. While spotted hyenas are the largest species, all hyenas have large heads, powerful jaws, and long front legs. They are most famous for their "laugh," depicted in various forms of media. Yet while some do indeed laugh, they are unlikely to join villainous cartoon characters in cackling maniacally. Laughter aside, there's much more to know about these intriguing and often-maligned mammals. From how hyenas stay cool to their boldness when faced with hungry lions, read through our list of fascinating hyena facts.