20 Of The World's Most Cutest And Largest Lizard Species

Lizards are the most commonly seen reptiles in backyards. They are most closely related to snakes. Actually, some lizards, called sheltopusiks, look like snakes because they have no legs. Most of lizards today resemble the ancient reptiles of the dinosaur era. Their ancestors appeared on Earth over 200 million years ago. There are numerous species of lizards spread all over the world.

Madagascar Day Gecko (Phelsuma madagascariensis madagascariensis): It is a diurnal species of gecko. This lizard has a long, green body with orange accents on their heads and along their backs. Their petite facial features and mouth that almost comes into a smile make them a great contender for our cutest lizards list. They spend the majority of their time awake while the sun. They can grow to be up to 8.7 inches long as adults.