21 Of The Most Beautiful Botanical Gardens In The World

Do you know Which are the most beautiful gardens in the world? Of course, beauty is subjective but these stunning green spaces are among the best gardens worldwide. Whether you’re a keen gardener yourself or you simply enjoy visiting them online, these spectacular gardens can’t fail to impres.

Singapore Botanical Gardens: More than 160 years old, tropical Singapore Botanical Gardens has it all: a section of the city's primary rainforest, an orchid garden, a ginger garden and an exhibition on ethnobotany (looking at how plants are rooted in traditional culture and medicine), plus some wise old trees. It even has a pair of swans from Amsterdam, a national flower called Vanda Miss Joaquim and its own mist garden. Don't miss the National Orchid Garden with more than 1,000 species and 2,000 hybrids on display, plus a series of special tools and gadgets to ensure the right humidity.