26 Unique Flowers Will Surprise You

There are 300,000 species of plants in the world. You will suprise to see some extraordinary flowers because of the where they grew up. We all know Blueberry Ash, Dove Tree, Cradle Orchids and other commonly grown and sold flowering plants but did you know there are rare orchid species that resemble swaddled babies?

In the spring, the tree puts on its show of decorative blooms, which are unusually large for Dogwoods. The white bracts are fused together at the ends to create an unusual, cage-like shape around the flowers. As you can see, the effect is truly spectacular. This is a naturally-occurring tree, not a cultivated hybrid. The Magic Dogwood comes from the mountain forests of eastern Mexico, where it is rare. The climate there is spring-like year round, however the tree has been cold-hardy in Zone 6 here in the U.S. I recommend protecting it from frost the first 2-3 years. You may grow it in a pot and move indoors for the winter. It doesn't seem to mind warm summers provided that nights aren't too warm. The tree normally grows in the forest understory, so it appreciates some protection from strong afternoon sun.