26 Unique Flowers Will Surprise You

There are 300,000 species of plants in the world. You will suprise to see some extraordinary flowers because of the where they grew up. We all know Blueberry Ash, Dove Tree, Cradle Orchids and other commonly grown and sold flowering plants but did you know there are rare orchid species that resemble swaddled babies?

Fuchsia (Blue Angel): It is a variant of fuchsia. Blue Angel is widely admired for the striking blue-and-white blossoms that remind the viewer of little angels, especially when dangling from a hanging pot. The blossoms appear in early summer and persist until mid-autumn, although they must be sheltered from strong winds and sudden frost. In the UK, this cultivar has become so popular that it has its own dedicated national society. It is native to Central and South America, New Zealand, and Tahiti.