26 Unique Flowers Will Surprise You

There are 300,000 species of plants in the world. You will suprise to see some extraordinary flowers because of the where they grew up. We all know Blueberry Ash, Dove Tree, Cradle Orchids and other commonly grown and sold flowering plants but did you know there are rare orchid species that resemble swaddled babies?

Elaeocarpus reticulatus (Blueberry Ash): It is commonly known as blueberry ash, ash quandong, blue olive berry, fairy petticoats, fringe tree, koda, lily of the valley tree and scrub ash, is species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae, and is endemic to eastern Australia. It is a shrub or small tree with oblong to elliptic leaves, racemes of white or pink flowers and blue, oval to spherical fruit. It grows along the entirety of the coast of NSW, into Queensland (to about Rockhampton), eastern Victoria and the islands of Bass Strait.