70-Years Secret Hidden In An Attic Revealed By Grandpa

By now, you have heard of mysterious, haunted houses, extraordinary events, and many real and unreal events that are the subject of horror movies. Though they remained still and unseen for decades, their eventual unearthing is always suspenseful. One man has returned "home" to search for family possessions that his father once hid away right before they were forced to evacuate the country.

These were the treasures that Schlattner's father had hidden away before they evacuated their home. Over the years, Schlattner had feared the destruction and discovery of these possessions, because the roof of the house had undergone numerous repairs. Schlattner's father hid a total of 70 packages in the attic, and hid them all extremely well. According to Tomas Okura, a museum director that was present at the finding, Schlattner tapped the panel boards with a small hammer to locate the hidden possessions. "All of them had the same sound," Okura told daily Czech newspaper Blesk. "Then, he tried to find a string which was supposed to detach the boards, which was a system set up by his father."