70-Years Secret Hidden In An Attic Revealed By Grandpa

By now, you have heard of mysterious, haunted houses, extraordinary events, and many real and unreal events that are the subject of horror movies. Though they remained still and unseen for decades, their eventual unearthing is always suspenseful. One man has returned "home" to search for family possessions that his father once hid away right before they were forced to evacuate the country.

Given the circumstances in which these objects were found, they have been bestowed a high historical value. "The packages were very skillfully hidden in the vault of a skylight," added Okura. "It was incredible how many things fit in such a small space. It took more than one hour until we [pulled] everything out." According to the manager of the museum that has analyzed the treasures, such a finding of hidden "German property" in the region is very rare. It hasn't been decided yet which museum the artifacts will go to, but Schlattner has accepted the fact that he won't be able to keep them. Despite his poor health, he has agreed to help with the identification of the possessions.