70-Years Secret Hidden In An Attic Revealed By Grandpa

By now, you have heard of mysterious, haunted houses, extraordinary events, and many real and unreal events that are the subject of horror movies. Though they remained still and unseen for decades, their eventual unearthing is always suspenseful. One man has returned "home" to search for family possessions that his father once hid away right before they were forced to evacuate the country.

During the expulsion of ethnic Germans after the war, more than one million civilians were uprooted from their homes. The majority of the evacuees eventually moved into American-zoned West Germany. Some 800,000 were moved into the postwar Soviet zone. Schlattner and his family moved to Germany. They had just enough time to hide their belongings before they left. "We thought we would one day return, and that we would find a property there," said Schlattner. Please SHARE if you thought the recovery of these treasures was incredible.