8 Things You Need to Know About Adorable White Fairy Tern

These birds are more than just adorable avians with pale feathers, dark black eyes and really cute chicks. They’re connected to Hawaii’s history and culture, and have become icons of adoration for many of the city’s residents and visitors. Below you can learn more about what makes the white fairy tern so special.

Certain individuals love the manu-o-Ku so much that they've started conservation groups, such as the Hui Manu-o-Ku, which describes itself as "a group of dedicated conservationists and citizens who have come together to observe, protect and raise awareness about manu-o-Ku." Another prominent group is Na Hoaloha o ka Manu-o-Ku (The Friends of the White Fairy Tern), where you can find hundreds of photos of the bird on its ever-updated Facebook feed.