Adorable Hamster Wears World's Tiniest Cast For A Broken Arm
Nobody likes to see an injured animal, but nobody can deny how adorable the photo shared by Redditor GeorgeOnee of the tiniest hamster with an even tinier cast. This cute baby hamster broke its arm and needed a mini cast to help with its recovery. This image represnts a positive, which is the hamsters recovery, rather than exploiting its vulnerability. We found some more adorable images of cute animals in casts, enjoy!
A bite-sized hamster with a broken arm and an adequately tiny cast has taken the internet by storm. A photo of the tiny animal surfaced online on Friday, attracting adoring comments from viewers who marveled at the little hamster's cuteness. The picture, which shows the little hamster between a human's fingers, has been viewed 927,456 times since being published. The tiny rodent appears with its arm at a 90-degree angle with its body, held in place by what appears to be a miniature hamster cast.