Adorable Pictures Show The Bond Between Newborn And Mother Polar Bear (13 Photos)
Sometimes little feet get tired and need a bit of help from mum - even if those little feet happen to belong to a polar bear. So it's lucky this particular mama bear was willing to be the cub's ride for the day. This adorable pictures is just one of the photos captured by photographer David Jenkins, who spent 10 years capturing the bond between newborn and mother.
Baby polar bears are often seen mimicking their mother, it's like monkey see monkey do. They will try to drink water, eat food, or stretch in a way their mothers do. The cub's mimicking habits probably makes easy for their mother to teach them hunting techniques. Baby polar bears are highly curious especially in the first six months. They will wander far from mom and each day they likely bring about a bit more independence. However, cubs rarely go too far from their den and also their mother mostly keeps a close eye on them.