Adorable Pictures Show The Bond Between Newborn And Mother Polar Bear (13 Photos)
Sometimes little feet get tired and need a bit of help from mum - even if those little feet happen to belong to a polar bear. So it's lucky this particular mama bear was willing to be the cub's ride for the day. This adorable pictures is just one of the photos captured by photographer David Jenkins, who spent 10 years capturing the bond between newborn and mother.
The average weight of captive polar bear cubs is somewhere in between 570 grams and 750 grams (1.2 to 1.6 lbs) at birth. In the wild habitat, they often hardly weigh more than a pound at birth. However, they will attain 7.7 pounds in just 30 days after birth. They will stay inside the den for as long as 60 days after birth. While maternity den the polar bear cubs not only stay safe from predators, they also get warm. Once they reach 2-months age, they will leave the den. By the time baby polar bears leave their dens, they weigh 10 – 15 kg (22 – 33 pounds).