Almost No One Recognizes This Weird Antique Tool. Do You Actually Know What It Is?
In these days, we came across this image and were completely stumped. What in the world could it be? The image circulated around the All Cute offices while we considered all of the different uses for what seemed like a very regular tree branch.
An individual would hold both branches of the stick in each hand, palms facing upwards. The stem of the V (the bottom bit where the two rods meet) is then titled toward the Earth at a 45-degree angle. The user then walks back and forth, supposedly looking for vibrations at the bottom of the V to promise signs of water hidden beneath the Earth. Apparently, dowsing with metal rods was a process used to find metals in the ground during the 1500s, though people began to then use the same method to find water for new homeowners living in rural areas. Watch the video here for more on Water Dowsing.