Amazing Animals Found Only In Africa

African continent supports rich wildlife across its deserts, savannas, huge valleys, and forests. Africa is home to the largest land animal (African elephant) and the tallest animal (giraffe) in the world. There are many other cool African animals you would be interested to know. Here the list of 10 amazing animals found only in Africa.

Shoebill The shoebill is one of the most strange looking birds in the world. They named after their large shoe-like bill which can grow up to a length of 9 inches. This amazing bird can be found only in the swamps and marshes of Eastern Africa. Shoebills are one of the species that likely to become endangered in the near future. Habitat loss and hunting are the main threat to the shoebills. The large shoebills can reach up to 4 feet in length and weigh between 4-6 kg. They have bluish-grey plumage and broad wings. The large, strong brown bill of shoebills ends with nail-like hooks. Shoebills are ambush predators which mean they remain motionless until the preys approach them. Then they will make a sudden attack using their powerful bill. The diet of shoebills mainly consists of lizards, turtles, water-snakes, and rats. The large shoebills possess a maximum flap rate of 150 flaps per minutes, one of the slowest among the species of birds. It is one of the most solitary birds in the world. They come together only to breed.