Amazing Animals Found Only In Africa
African continent supports rich wildlife across its deserts, savannas, huge valleys, and forests. Africa is home to the largest land animal (African elephant) and the tallest animal (giraffe) in the world. There are many other cool African animals you would be interested to know. Here the list of 10 amazing animals found only in Africa.
Grey Crowned Crane Standing at the height of 1 meter and weigh over 4 kg, the grey-crowned crane is a large bird that inhabits in savannahs, rivers, and marshes of Eastern and Southern Africa. The most prominent feature of this fantastic African bird is its crest of golden feathers. The plumage of grey-crowned crane is mainly grey with pale-grey neck and black and white wings. They also have an attractive bright red pouch below their beak. The courtship display by the grey-crowned cranes is one of the best among the species of birds. They dance, jump and produce interesting calls to attract the mate. With 2-5 eggs per nest, the grey-crowned cranes produce the largest average clutch than most of the other birds in the crane family called Gruidae. Grey-crowned crane is an omnivorous bird that feed on insects, lizards, grasses, seeds, fishes, and amphibians.