Artist Darius Hulea Sculptures Portraits Of Historical Figures With The Use Of Industrial Metal Wires (Pics)

Traditionally, sculptors are using conventional materials such as plaster, concrete, wood, solid metal, and stones in creating sculptures. But contemporary sculptors are slowly embracing other unorthodox materials such as paper and glass. Over the years, we’ve seen stunning sculptures that are made of uncommon materials. Just take a look at the sculptures of Darius Hulea.

"I discovered during my second year of college that the great artists of modern history used the principle of drawing in space or drawing the space through different metallic structures," Hulea said continuing. "Some, like Picasso, used recycled materials or, like Calder or David Smith, industrial materials. That moment was the turning point of the sculptures that I am doing now. For me, this type of drawing is what we find in the sketches of the great artists of the Renaissance like Michelangelo and Da Vinci—serious and realistic compositions that anyone can understand."