Baby Owls Nap Facing Downwards Because Their Heads Are Too Heavy

Did you know that even the baby owls can get more cute than we expect? Have you ever seen or else have you imagined the way they sleep? Normally, the grown-ups nap upright while the young ones do not nap in the same way since they have heavy heads. But, they will sleep somehow until they grow old. Therefore, most of the owl babies nap on their bellies while turning their heads to a side.

All babies are born with heads too big for their bodies, but baby owls are so heavy that they have to sleep face down. The image first surfaced online as a bit of a meme because, y'know, it has a bit of a bit of a 'go home owl, you're drunk' vibe. While the reliability of the source was first questioned, it turns out to be actually true with more pictures of young owls lying down to sleep having surfaced, making it all the more amazing. Basically, adult owls sleep stood up because they're fully developed but younger owls struggle to hold the weight of their heads so have to lie down, IFL Science reports. One Twitter user shared some pictures to confirm the theory.