Burning Rosemary At Home; Surprising What Happens A Few Minutes Later

Rosemary resembles a pine tree with its smell and appearance. Rosemary is well-known culinary herb and reputed for its variety of uses inside and outside the kitchen. However, it also has a long history as a potent magical herb with a wide variety of uses including purification, improving memory, and attracting love. Burning incense exists in societies all over the world. But do you know about burning rosemary and its advantages?

It has a long history of symbolism that dates back to around 5000BC. The Ancient Egyptians used rosemary in their burial rituals, most likely because of its intense antibacterial properties which would have helped with the mummification process. In the Middle Ages, rosemary was used to ward off evil and was often placed under pillows to prevent nightmares. This potent herb has strong protective properties which have made it a common smudging herb to purify sacred spaces as well as people's homes. Today, some people use rosemary essential oil in aromatherapy as it is believed to relieve stress and improve memory.