College Students Bought This Old Couch From A Market And Took It To Their Dorm Room

State University students bought the couch in February from a Salvation Army store. According to The Little Rebellion, after watching a movie, the students said they felt crinkles in two side pillows that were built into the couch. Watch video at the end of the this article.

The three people said they don't feel bad about doing the right thing and are even going to have dinner with the old woman and her family after giving her the money back. 'I think it's just that anyone can do good if they will themselves to it,' Werkhoven told CBS News. 'I think it went the way it should and to be honest I don't think about it that much,' Russo added. The good Samaritans didn't leave without anything, though. The woman gave the three kids $1,000 to share as a gift. Watch video here: