Depressed Pit Bull Filmed "Crying" At Shelter After Being Used For Breeding Then Dumped (Pictures & Video)

It is one of most horrible thing watching crying animals. A heartbreaking video of a pit bull crying after she was dropped at the shelter went viral. But those tears soon became tears of joy when a loving family adopted the sad pup. And life for this rescued dog looks totally different now. Sadly, animal neglect and cruelty takes place all around the world every day, and thousands are dumped at shelters waiting for someone to give them the second chance they deserve in life.

Sleime told The Dodo: "I was waiting for them [the shelter workers] to health check a couple of the dogs we were considering pulling, and I was walking up and down the kennels, and I just saw this pit bull sitting there, and she was very humanlike — slumped over and very solemn,". "So I bent over and started talking to her." Sleime could see that the 7-year-old pit bull had very recently had a litter of puppies, although the puppies weren't with her now. And when Sleime spoke to her, the dog's eyes watered with what looked like tears. "It was the craziest phenomenon," Sleime said. While it's not entirely understood if dogs cry the same way as people, Sleime could see that the pit bull, who'd recently been surrendered, was clearly upset. She was also very obese.