Dog Shaped Clouds Have People Convinced That All Dogs Really Do Go To Heaven
Have you ever gazed up at the sky, looked at the clouds and tried to make shapes out of it? While it is a fun way to pass the time, there are those rare occasions when the clouds bear an uncanny resemblance to a real person or animal.
This actually isn't the first time a 'dog angel' has appeared in the form of a cloud. Many people have captured pictures of this dog-cloud phenomenon. There are also many people who tell of uncanny experiences they've had shortly after losing a loved one. Whether this is a magical sign or just a coincidence, it is a heartwarming sight to see. It reminds us that our dogs love us very much whether they're with us today or not. So, next time you're relaxing outside, take the time to look at the clouds. What you see might just surprise you or even make your day.