Eight Of The World's Creepiest Trees In The World

Most of us asked to think of something scary, their first thought are usually movie. Generallly, Trees don't come to mind. But, Trees are incredible organisms, Just humans, trees have their own unique personalities. They can be inviting, lively, plain boring, or just left unnoticed. Of course, no one bothers to stare at a tree trunk and search for nothing, but there are some trees that possess too much charm that easily attracts people.

Angkor Wat's Strangler Figs: These figs have grown on top of the world's biggest temple complex. Not all figs are as scary as these ones. The famous Angkor Wat ruins in Cambodia, which are 900 years old, are being taken over by huge "strangler figs" (Ficus gibbosa) and even bigger silk-cotton trees. Their big roots snake around old, falling apart pavilions and around doors like scary snakes. A big part of the complex's most famous building, the Ta Prohm temple, is being eaten away by trees.