Extraordinary Pigeons You Probably Didn't Know Exist (10 different pigeon species)

The world is filled with amazing, otherworldly species of birds, each with its unique colors and skills. While many may not realize it, there’s an unbelievably huge variety of extraordinary pigeon species in the world. That’s right, the world has much more to offer than those city pigeons you try to keep off your porch.

Brunner Pouter Pigeon: The Brunner Pouter presents an elegant and pleasing appearance. It has a lively and vigorous temperament, characterized by much strutting, bowing and hopping during courting. This courting play is performed by both cock and hen. An erect, upright posture, proving a long narrow appearance is most desirable. The back and tail should form a straight l,ne descending at about a 60 degree angle. The inflated crop should stand out distinctly from the back of the neck. A Brunner Pouter should be just a bit smaller than a Pigmy Pouter. It should in no way be more than 13 inches in lenght as measured from the point of the beak to the tip of the tail.